Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In my opinion: Favourite VS Good or Bad

When I was updating my profile I was asked to list my favourite films, a rather harmless question one might think, but in my group(s) of friends it's anything but. It starts out harmless enough with people thinking of the films they really like, but it quickly turns into a heated discussion over the films that are "bad" and the films that are "good," with people on either side discussing the styles and depths of the films, and it usually ends up somewhere much more philosophical; where people's opinions goes up ahead "expert opinions" and/or the majority's vote.
   The problem is clear: "Can you decide on what's good or bad when that is based on people's opinions?"I think you can, at least to a degree, but I think you have to brake it down into smaller pieces such as sound editing, cinematography, lighting and consumes. Basically if the sound is poor or the light is off or the costumes are wrong for that time or place; the quality is bad. However, when you talk about acting, scriptwriting or scoring you cannot simply say that something is "bad" without adding; "in my opinion," because those things are much more subjective; they have to do with styles and genres, but of course there are exceptions where a vast majority might agree wether the actor can act or the script is readable.
   In my opinion you cannot simply declare wether a film is good or bad without going into specifics simply because there are films which technically could be "bad" but you might love them in spite of that, or maybe even because of it; I believe that each and everyone of us have a favorite "B-movie," which brings us back to the topic of favorite films and the difficulty on agreeing which ones they are. First of all the heated discussions between my friends usually arrive because we try and decide on the "best" films when the question of favourites is a very different one, and even that is technically impossible to answer since what we like or are in the mood for change constantly. What is good though is the discussion in itself; it can open our eyes to new perspectives and hopefully make us appreciate something even though we don't like it.
    Naturally listing your favourite films is not the most important decision you ever have to make, even though I make it sound like it is. I wrote this post just to make us think before we decide for the entire population that something is rubbish. Simply state that it's your opinion, and then you can go on and say whatever you want and no one can disagree with you! Which brings me to the main purpose of this post; to introduce my very own critical review of films and plays that I've seen, and books and scrips that I've read, and by no coincidence it will be called: "In my opinion."

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