Sunday, December 2, 2012

A fresh new start

I have decided to restart this blog. After thinking about it for a long time I've come to the conclusion that running a blog where I post the stuff that I write is a good idea. I let it fall completely to pieces right from the start, I think by wanting to do too many things and post every single day, and when I couldn't make that happen it felt like a failure and I ended up not posting at all. Therefore I'm going to be a little less ambitious and only post something whenever I feel I have something that's worth posting, also writing proper pieces this time and not care about using the blog as a diary of sorts. I believe the main problem I had the first time was that I lost interest very quickly, I simply didn't care enough about the stuff I posted and instead of being excited about the blog it became something that: "I was going to do," but never did.
   Now it sounds like the blog was something bigger than it ever was, I only posted a grand total of seven times, which is rather pathetic. I certainly want to be more productive than that. Therefore I'm going to restart the blog by posting four different stories about Christmas, one every Sunday from today  until December 23, after that we'll see how often I manage, but by having a planned timeframe I hope it'll be the carrot I need to keep the blog going. And to make everything clear: I'm aware that even though it sounds like the most important thing in the world; it's not. I'm never going to write anything completely unique and groundbreaking, I simply write the things I like to get the creative outlet I need; I can only redesign so many ponies and decorate a few gingerbread houses a year, but that's for a whole different blog post another time, maybe.

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